Past Events
Mariam Rezaei, Angharad Davies & Stewart Lee
Live Theatre, Newcastle Upon Tyne
“A” TRIO (Mazen Kerbaj / Sharif Sehnaoui / Raed Yassin) + Angharad Davies & Billy Steiger
Cafe OTO, London
Guy Sherwin + Angharad Davies + Ecka Mordecai + David Leister + Li Song + Steve Beresford + more
Cafe OTO, London
Giovanni di Domenico / Angharad Daves / Anton Lukoszeviece (trio) + Giovanni di Domenico (solo)
Cafe OTO, London
Sounds of Now: Voice(less)
Rosie Middleton & Angharad Davies
Channing Hall, Sheffield
Imp[or]trait #6: echtzeitmusik and its international connectivity
Exploratorium berlin, Studio 1, entrance C
Wiener Festwochen Festival
"Heartbreaking Final" a new piece by Aisha Oraxbayeva and Tim Etchells.